

PersuasionAPI is started by Maurits Kaptein and Arjan Haring to make persuasion profiling available to online vendors and other developers of persuasive technologies. PersuasionAPI provides an API which creates persuasion profiles of individual customers based on their responses to different influence strategies and dynamically adapts the contents of your website or persuasive technology to suit your customers needs.

PersuasionAPI is currently in private Beta. Be the first to know: follow us on Twitter.

More thoughts on Persuasion Profiling

Dean Eckles gives detailed accounts of his own thinking and our discussions on persuasion profiling and related topics. Make sure to follow his blog.

Links to people and organisations:

Past events

[Contact us at maurits [at] mauritskaptein [dot] com for a space in the lists]

Book: Persuasion Profiling

Now available, the book “Persuasion Profiling: How the Internet Knows What makes you Tick” By Dr. M. C. Kaptein.